Your ideas are taking shape and you think it’s time to get started? No need to rush. Anyone who wants to become an entrepreneur must follow a few steps to complete their project and launch their products or services on the market. Follow the leader !

Step 1: creation or recovery?

First of all, it is necessary to answer this fundamental question: buy back or start from 0? In other words, take over a business or create your own company? The two approaches are very different, particularly in terms of management and formalities.

It can be tempting to take over a company, with a turnkey activity and already trained employees. Unlike the creator, the “new” manager does not have to systematically wait months before making a profit. In addition, it will be more easily granted bank financing .

On the other hand, the recovery also presents risks. The personal contribution (the amount you must invest) must be substantial. In addition, unlike a business creation, you will not benefit from adaptation time: you will have to be operational from the start of hostilities!

It’s up to you to make the right choice, after weighing the pros and cons.

Step 2: Validate your idea and do market research

There is always an idea (or even ideas) at the origin of a business creation project. This idea must be studied from every angle by the entrepreneur (the “creator”). It is therefore essential to ask yourself the right questions to avoid embarking on a shaky professional project:

What does your idea bring?

m your competitors. You can also adapt your products or services accordingly and establish a forecast turnover .

Step 3: move on to writing the business plan

The business plan remains your best asset to convince future investors to take an interest in your activity. It gives you a guideline. Above all, it gives weight to your professional project and proves its feasibility . The drafting of this dossier therefore requires particular attention. Ideally, the business plan includes:

In addition to the traditional bank loan, there are many financing solutions for the development of your professional project:

Investment funds . Professional shareholders choose to take an equity stake in your company. There are approximately 300 investment funds in France.

Competition. Dedicated to entrepreneurs, they allow you to strengthen your visibility or obtain financing.

You should also know that there are certain aids for entrepreneurs, such as Nacre (New support for the creation or takeover of a business), which offers you ongoing support for three years. As for the Acre (Aid for the creation or takeover of a business), it allows you to benefit from an exemption from social charges.

You can also choose to turn to an incubator, in order to benefit from support for the realization of your professional project and to fill your address book!

Step 4: choose your legal status

The choice of legal status is one of the essential steps for any entrepreneur. These formalities can be confusing, given the profusion of statutes. Here are the four most emblematic legal forms, so that you can start to get an idea:

Not easy to make the right choice. free land offers you a small online test to find your legal status. The questions address very specific points (commercial activity, support, development of the company in France or abroad, etc.).

If in doubt, do not hesitate to contact a lawyer, who can help you in your choice.

Step 5: take care of the formalities

Depending on the legal status, the administrative procedures may differ for entrepreneurs. Here is a small list of the formalities that are likely to appear during your journey

With the dematerialization of services, business creation formalities can be carried out on the Internet. Be aware, however, that it is not useless to call on an accountant or a lawyer for your administrative procedures (so as not to forget anything).

Good to know: the legal status of companies has an impact on the cost of setting up a business. For example, the price of publication in a journal of legal announcements is on average €200 for an EURL or a SARL (€230 for a SAS or an SA). Registration in the Trade and Companies Register costs nearly €40 for a SARL, SAS or EURL. All business creation costs can be found on the French administration website .

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